Member Discounts

ONMA members receive the following discounts.

Training Programs

Beyond our own, low-cost training opportunities, ONMA members receive discounts on webinar training provided throughout the year by the Online Media Campus. These programs can be attended live or reviewed in archive format. Members also receive the “media association partners rate” for many of the programs and conferences offered by the Local Media Association, both in-person and webinars. 

For further information, consult our regularly updated training calendar or contact Chana Powell at

Discount Libel Insurance

ONMA members can receive significant discounts on libel and other types of business insurance from Walterry Insurance, one of the country’s best-known firms serving media clients. For details, go here or contact Chana Powell at

Workers Compensation Group Savings

Through our relationship with CompManagement, ONMA members may receive substantial discounts on the cost of this critically important program. To learn more, click here.